How can I get added to your
mailing list?
send out news updates about upcoming events. To
be added to our email distribution list, send an email
to ddhhinformation@gmail.com
What is the best time to drop
off donations?
The best time is early afternoon –
from 1:30 to 2:30pm when the kitchen crew is preparing
the afternoon meal. Late
between 4pm and 5pm is also good.
If you want to drop off things at other times,
please call ahead
I'm volunteering at Dorothy Day
House. Where can I park?
We now have a small (3 car) lot at
8 Spring Street (on the other side of Spring Street
towards downtown Danbury). Otherwise, you can
park is in the lot at St Paul's Church at the end of
Spring St. Please do not park in front of the
soup kitchen if you are staying more than 15 minutes
-- the signs say 15 minute parking and you may be
I have some leftover food from a
party. Can
you use it at Dorothy Day House?
Cookies and non-temperature
sensitive food donations are always welcome. If
you have full trays of food prepared by a licensed
food service establishment (ex restaurant or caterer)
which has been kept under proper temperature control,
then we will be glad to accept to accept it.